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 Gamer's staff app

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Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-08-06

Gamer's staff app Empty
PostSubject: Gamer's staff app   Gamer's staff app I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 07, 2011 12:54 am

Ingame name-Gamer

Real name- Cody

Which Server pk or pve?- Pve i think, im downloading old school one now.

How old are you?-14

How long have you been playing the server?- Maybe a week at the most? Youve seen me on.

Why do you think you should be staff of Ameriscape or ameriscape pk?- Im nice to everyone who is nice to me, im willing to help out almost anyone, and I play as much as i can.

Does anyone think you deserve it? Mac, Ranged, Jazz (Jake)

Why do you think you deserve it? I want to be more of a help, and ive been nice to everyone so far, ive played quite a bit, i cant say I play all day, I have a life Razz But i play when im on computer.

Have you helped someone?- Yeah, whenever I can, I help people who ask.

How long can you play each day?- Weekdays, from 8am-3pm all days 12pm-3-4 am.

Are you active on both forums and ingame?- Not really the forums, theres not much to talk about here or i would be more active. But on the game yes I am.

Have you been staff on any other server, if yes what server?- Not any that are still up. Ive been staff on two other servers a loooooong time ago, but they were taken down.

Do you respect owners?- Yes I do.

Have you broken any rules?- No I have not.

Do players like you?- I think they do? No one has ever been mad at me, if thats what you mean.

Tell us about yourself-Im a semi-hardcore gamer that just got his xbox fixed cheers and I like to play computer and xbox games, I write poetry and play soccer, I want to get into parkour as well. I guess im pretty well educated, but Im going into the 9th grade this year. I know im educated enough to not be someone who tlks liek dis al de tme. Razz But yeah, thats just about all of me.
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