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 R A W R's Staff application!

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2 posters

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Join date : 2011-07-29

R A W R's Staff application! Empty
PostSubject: R A W R's Staff application!   R A W R's Staff application! I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 04, 2011 7:05 pm

Ingame name- R A W R

Real name- Daryl

Which Server pk or pve?-Both

How old are you?-14 nearly 15

How long have you been playing the server?- 2 or 3 days

Why do you think you should be staff of Ameriscape or ameriscape pk?- i help new comers out, answer questions for people, give advice and make people laugh Razz

Does anyone think you deserve it? ask them yourself, i know you do joker!

Why do you think you deserve it? im committed to playing the server and making the best server ever!

Have you helped someone?- lots of people!

How long can you play each day?- about 5 hours Razz

Are you active on both forums and ingame?- Yes but more in game Smile

Have you been staff on any other server, if yes what server?- Yes, on a few, cant remember names though.. Razz

Do you respect owners?- yeah of course, i treat them like god Razz

Have you broken any rules?- nope!

Do players like you?- I hope so Wink

Tell us about yourself- i like playing games for fun and take to them seriously, i like football and bmxing and general stuff! Smile
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One Poke Ko
Getting there
Getting there

Posts : 27
Join date : 2011-08-02

R A W R's Staff application! Empty
PostSubject: Re: R A W R's Staff application!   R A W R's Staff application! I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 05, 2011 6:01 am

Good luck rawr =) I'm guessing this gonna go to underconstruction .
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R A W R's Staff application!
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