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Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-08-01

PostSubject: -BOWSER-'s STAFF APP!   -BOWSER-'s STAFF APP! I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 01, 2011 11:16 pm

Ingame name-Bowser

Real name- Matthew

Which Server pk or pve?- It does not matter

How old are you?- I am 15

How long have you been playing the server?- Just joined today but I have played and codded on RSPS before

Why do you think you should be staff of Ameriscape or ameriscape pk?- I think i should be staff because i have codded and i am a loyal person you can almost trust me on anything and i love to help people, I have created forms before and i could help you guys out with the forms and invite more people so i can get this sever places.

Does anyone think you deserve it? I am new and i dont know i have done stuff before on RSPS

Why do you think you deserve it? I have codded, i have made forms before and i can help people out alot i am good at codding and making forms and i have been admin on different sites before, then i retired alittle while ago and now im back trying to find a good RSPS and i think this one looks amazing.

Have you helped someone?- I have not helped anyone on this sever yet but i am looking forward to help out people.

How long can you play each day?-I can play almost all day until 6-8pm I got football then other than that i can play almost 24/7

Are you active on both forums and ingame?- I will be starting to day im new and im trying to get out there.

Have you been staff on any other server, if yes what server?- I have been staff on like 10 diffeent seers one was,,,,,, and those are really all the ones i can remember most of them were shut down due topeople that did not know what they were doing so i left.

Do you respect owners?- I respect owners 110% i will never disrespect you at all.

Have you broken any rules?- Nope and i do not look forward to breaking any in the past.

Do players like you?- I do not know yet but i hope so in the future if they will because i am new and i will help any and everyone.

-BOWSER- Ps: this is my best app i think i have done in a while

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