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 Jesus Staff App

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-10-14

Jesus Staff App Empty
PostSubject: Jesus Staff App   Jesus Staff App I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 14, 2011 1:32 pm

Ingame name- Jesus

Real name- Tim Jackson

Which Server pk or pve?- Pve

How old are you?- 15

How long have you been playing the server?- Just started but I will be really active

Why do you think you should be staff of Ameriscape or ameriscape pk?- I think I should be staff because I am a nice guy. I love to help people out and always try my best to enforce the rules. I make the server strict but that everyone still has fun. I will always be on the lookout for glitchers or hackers and enforce the rules.
I will make sure the server is safe and non chaotic and fun at all times.

Does anyone think you deserve it? Nope.

Why do you think you deserve it? I think I deserve it because I am always good at enforcing rules and not being mean to the players. I will make sure every player has a chance at becoming succesfull and enjoying their playing time.

Have you helped someone?- I help all the time whenever I can

How long can you play each day?- 6 -10 hours

Are you active on both forums and ingame?- I will be as much as I can

Have you been staff on any other server, if yes what server?- Yes Pernixpkz- Head Admin
Wolfbanescape- Head admin Turmoilrebirth- Head Mod

Do you respect owners?- Yes I do I always respect everyone

Have you broken any rules?- Never have never will

Do players like you?- Im pretty sure they will love me <3

Tell us about yourself- I Like to skateboard and play basketball and baseball. I enjoy gaming a ton.[b]
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