Ingame name- I will not need an ingame name since I will only be on forums.
Real name- Jake Haith
Which Server pk or pve?- I will not be able to play ingame, therefore I will be only on the forums.
How old are you?- Turning 16 on August 14th.
How long have you been playing the server?- Just started and it's great!
Why do you think you should be staff of Ameriscape or ameriscape pk?- I think that I should be staff on Ameriscape because I have been on the staff team on another RSPS and I know what I am doing. I also think I would be great at it.
Does anyone think you deserve it? Maybe.
Why do you think you deserve it? I think I deserve the position of being on the staff team because I am respectful, trustworthy, and I can help anyone who needs it. I also have some experience, I am great at communicating, and I can stay on long hours.
Have you helped someone?- I am sure that I have helped many people in my time.
How long can you play each day?- I will usually be online for about 3-7 hours a day.
Are you active on both forums and ingame?- I will only be active on the forums because I use a Mac and can't play ingame.
Have you been staff on any other server, if yes what server?- Yes, I have been on the staff team on the server "InnovationX".
Do you respect owners?- Of course I respect them. They are the ones' that make the site and happen.
Have you broken any rules?- I will not lie. I have broken a few rules, but they were only minor. They were swearing and talking back to a higher rank on the staff team. I will never do that again.
Do players like you?- I think most players like me, but some might not.
Tell us about yourself- My name is Jake and I am turning 16 years old soon and I am 5 feet and 5 inches tall. I play sports like track, soccer, football, and basketball. I am in high school; in the 10th grade to be exact. I am an average student and I make friends easily.